Hi-Tech-TEX activities at Modtissimo!
Hi-Tech-TEX – New sustainable and cross-sectorial value chains towards excellence in Hi-Tech Textiles to foster the uptake of innovation and increasing competitiveness.
Hi-Tech-TEX main objective is to strengthen cluster management excellence and facilitate exchanges and strategic partnering between clusters and specialized eco-systems and cities across Europe, including through implementation of the ClusterXchange mobility scheme.
Hi-Tech-TEX partnership integrates Portuguese Textile Cluster/ CITEVE (the coordinator), from Portugal, AEi TÈXTILS, from Spain; ATEVAL, from Spain; NTT, from Italy; DCC TTC, from Turkey; CLUTEX, from Czech Republic.
For more Information: Website | Linkedin | Twitter
The Hi-Tech-Tex project, was present in the 60+2 edition of Modtissimo (Modtissimo), from 13th to 14th September 2023, plus a day, 15th September 2023. The activities implemented, in the scope of this project, during these 3 days were as follows:
Matchmaking event
The Hi-Tech-TEX matchmaking event, took place from 13th to 15th September, in hybrid mode. This event was performed in-person, at the Modtissimo trade show (13th and 14th September), and online during the 3 days (13th to 15th September) supported by the B2Match platform, to bring together organizations.
The main objective of this event was to connect people with efficient and goal-oriented networking organizations across the world to collaborate and come up with ideas that will potentiate business, new projects and joint collaboration activities. For that the participants had the change to create their profile, included their interests and needs in the B2Match platform to be able to find and select their potential partners and book their meetings. The Hi-Tech-TEX matchmaking event had 100 participants registered in B2Match platform, from different countries, 64 from Portugal, 9 from Turkey, 8 from Spain, 5 from Netherlands, 4 from Italy, 4 from France, 2 from Germany, 2 from Brazil, 1 from United Kingdom and 1 from Czech Republic.
Marketplace event
The Hi-Tech-TEX Marketplace event took place in hybrid mode, on September 13th to 15th, 2023, developed together with the matchmaking event to take advantage of both events synergies and increase the participation. The event happened online, on B2Match platform, where participants presented their products, services and needs, as well as search for potential partners, networking and knowledge exchange. 46 products and services were presented in the B2Match Hi-Tech-TEX marketplace. This event also occurred physically, associated with 60+2 Modtissimo trade show (13th and 14th September), where exhibitors, presented their products and services, as well as the innovations. The Modtissimo counted on 216 exhibitors, presenting around 300 collections. This edition of Modtissimo trade show was visited by 5.089 Portuguese buyers and 510 international buyers.
Innovation speed dating
The Hi-Tech-TEX innovation speed dating, took place during the Modtissimo trade show (13th and 14th September), between creative designers and Textile and Clothing companies.
This event included a pitch from 16 creative designers, presenting their innovative ideas and prototypes (in sustainable innovation). In order to create a more enthusiastic and creative atmosphere, the event included a runway show with the designers prototypes. After presenting their original ideas, the creative designers had informal meeting (dating) with textile and clothing companies, to discuss their challenges for future business, keeping it in an enthusiastic and creative atmosphere. This event was performed in collaboration with initiative Etikway, bringing the creative designers.
For more information about these Hi-Tech-TEX events, please contact:
Project Coordinator Maria José Carvalho – CITEVE [email protected]