Design Talk Business Conference
25th and 26th September 2023 – Denizli/ Türkiye & Online
Design Talk Business Conference time is between
12.30 – 15.00 (CET & Time in Czech Republic and Italy and Spain)
11.30 – 14.00 (Time in Portugal)
13:30 – 16.00 (Türkiye Saatiyle)
Please note your time zone to avoid missing the activity.
Hi-Tech-TEX – New sustainable and cross-sectorial value chains towards excellence in Hi-Tech Textiles to foster the uptake of innovation and increasing competitiveness.
Hi-Tech-TEX main objective is to strengthen cluster management excellence and facilitate exchanges and strategic partnering between clusters and specialized eco-systems and cities across Europe, including through implementation of the ClusterXchange mobility scheme.
Hi-Tech-TEX partnership integrates Portuguese Textile Cluster/ CITEVE (the coordinator), from Portugal, AEi TÈXTILS, from Spain; ATEVAL, from Spain; NTT, from Italy; DCC TTC, from Turkey; CLUTEX, from Czech Republic.
Design Talk Business Conference will be implemented to discuss the challenges and opportunities in technical textile strategically address the deep needs of a dynamically evolving consumers and get to know how to search, build, try and learn from mistakes.
It will help SMEs on transformation of technical textiles, and they will find the answers to following questions;
– How to develop products using value proposition based approach?
– What are current social and consumer trends that create new business potential?
– Where to find business opportunities based on already existing assets and expected consumer value?
Save the Date!
The conference will be hold for 2 days in person in Denizli/ Türkiye as traditional way and online to allow the participation of whole targeted groups. Conference time is between 12.30 – 15.00 for CET & Time in Czech Republic and Italy and Spain; 11.30 – 14.00 for time in Portugal; and 13:30 – 16.00 for time in Türkiye, on 25th and 26th September 2023.
Throughout the conference …
The speeches will be for sharing case studies, best practises and information of The challenges and opportunities in technical textile, Finding business opportunities based on already existing assets and expected consumer value, Benefits of Clustering, Developing products using value proposition based approach, Current social and consumer trends that create new business potential, Addressing the deep needs of Dynamically evolving consumers.
The conference in hybrid mode will offer impulse speeches on Creating Business potential on Mobility Technical Textiles, Function and Comfort with Technical Textiles by the distinguished company representatives.
Many experienced international consultants on technical textiles, innovation, marketing, e-commerce and clustering will make the speeches on Achievement of clustering on the projects and sectoral opportunities of future, Clusters as a Tool for Sustainability, Trends on e-commerce of technical textiles commerce, What are current social and consumer trends that create new business potential?, Business Promotion Techniques for SMEs, Technologies to Adopt in order to be more Competitive in Technical Textiles, and Transformation to Technical Textiles.
Besides, Hi-Tech-TEX activities and progress will be shared.
Day#1 – 25th September 2023 |
12:30 – 12.40 |
Welcome and Hi-Tech-TEX activities By Ms Maria José Carvalho, Cluster Manager, Portuguese Textile Cluster/ CITEVE |
12:40 – 13.30 |
The challenges and opportunities in technical textile Achievement of clustering on the projects and sectoral opportunities of future by Ms Yeliz Cuvalci, Marketing and Cluster Expert |
Impulse Speech Creating Business potential on Mobility Technical Textiles by Mr Murat Tosunoglu, Tosunoglu Textile, Co-partner |
13:30-13:40 |
Coffee/ tea break |
13:40 – 14.50 |
Finding business opportunities based on already existing assets and expected consumer value Trends on e-commerce of technical textiles commerce by Dr Zeynep Iyiler, Marketing & e-Commerce Expert |
Benefits of Clustering Clusters as a Tool for Sustainability by Mr Ekin Taskin, TABU, Cluster & ESCA Gold and Silver Label Expert |
Addressing the deep needs of Dynamically evolving consumers Business Promotion Techniques for SMEs By Ms Duygu Saykan-Ruso, Communication, Marketing &PR Consultant |
14:50 |
Q&A |
15:00 |
End of the 1st day Design Talk Business Conference |
Day#2 – 26th September 2023 |
12:30 – 13.40 |
Current social and consumer trends that create new business potential What are current social and consumer trends that create new business potential? by Mr António Paraíso, Luxury &Marketing &Innovation Consultant |
Impulse Speech Function and Comfort with Technical Textiles by Dr Isa Dal, Evteks Owner |
13:40 – 13:50 |
Coffee/ tea break |
13:50 – 14.50 |
Developing products using value proposition based approach Technologies to Adopt in order to be more Competitive in Technical Textiles by Mr Fernando Merino, Technical Textiles& Innovation Consultant |
Transformation to Technical Textiles by Mr Ozan Parer, Technical Textiles Expert |
14:50 |
Q&A & Wrap-up |
15:00 |
End of the Design Talk Business Conference |