HiTechTEX project has started!
Hi-Tech-TEX project, coordinated by CITEVE Technological Centre for Textile and Clothing Industry of Portugal, Kick of Meeting held virtually on 7th and 8th February with funding under European Cluster Excellence Programme with ClusterXchange scheme connecting ecosystems and cities as part of COSME.
Besides CITEVE, Hi-Tech-TEX partnership integrates AEI TÈXTILS, Associació Agrupació D’empreses Innovadores Tèxtils from Spain; ATEVAL, Asociación Textil De La Comunidad Valenciana from Spain; NTT, Next Technology Tecnotessile S.R.L. from Italy; DCC TTC, Denizli Chamber of Commerce from Turkey; CLUTEX, Clutex – Klastr Technicke Textilie from Czech Republic. Therefore, Hi-Tech-TEX partnership brings together 4 EU countries and 1 Non-EU Participant in the COSME Programme and representing 6 regions: Norte in Portugal, Catalonia and Valencia in Spain, Tuscany in Italy, Severovýchod in Czech Republic, and Aegean in Turkey.