Hi-Tech-TEX CXC at Science Park Borås and RISE
Hi-Tech-TEX – New sustainable and cross-sectorial value chains towards excellence in Hi-Tech Textiles to foster the uptake of innovation and increasing competitiveness.
Hi-Tech-TEX main objective is to strengthen cluster management excellence and facilitate exchanges and strategic partnering between clusters and specialized eco-systems and cities across Europe, including through implementation of the ClusterXchange mobility scheme. Hi-Tech-TEX partnership integrates Portuguese Textile Cluster/ CITEVE (the coordinator), from Portugal, AEi TÈXTILS, from Spain; ATEVAL, from Spain; NTT, from Italy; DCC TTC, from Turkey; CLUTEX, from Czech Republic.
CxC at Science Park Borås and RISE
This Hi-Tech-TEX CxC was developed with two of the most relevant R&D organization in Sweden, Science Park Borås (the CxC Host) and RISE. The CxC took place from November 27th to 29th, 2023 in Borås and Mölndal, Sweden. Members of CLUTEX, PTC/ CITEVE, ATEVAL, AEi Tèxtils and DCC TTC attended to the CxC programme, which had participants from 5 SMEs, 1 LE, 3 RTOs and 2 Clusters.
This Hi-Tech-TEX CxC covered topics such as new fibers and textile materials and technologies, advanced textile structures, textile recycling, environment and sustainable chemistry, textile testing and certification. And include several activities, from working session, to presentations and discussions, as well as visits.
The CxC to Science Park Borås and RISE included presentations and discussions around the latest research and development of different RISE research groups, including polymers, fiber development, environment and sustainable chemistry and textile certification and analysis test. Presentations and discussions with professors and researchers from Science Park Boräs/ University of Boräs, including textile material technology, polymer technology, advanced textile structures, smart textiles from fibres to communication, Innovation for circular economy and biobased
materials. As well as visit to the RISE and University of Boräs laboratories.
It has also incorporated the visit and discussion around the Remake factory, the Do Tank and Smart textiles showroom and the visit to TreeToTextile company. The participants had the change to know about Borås incubator and the start-up Lunamicro. The projects TexP@ct and RegioGreenTex were also presented.
During the 3 days of this CxC, several working sessions were performed, with RISE and Science Park Boräs, on keywords for the future of textiles, potential collaborative activities, and future collaboration.
RISE (Research Institutes of Sweden)

Is Sweden’s research institute and innovation partner. Through international collaboration with industry, academia and the public sector, ensures business competitiveness and contribute to a sustainable society. RISE site involved in all related activities textiles is situated in Mölndal, a town just by Gothenburg.
TreetoTextile company
TreeToTextile is built on a common vision: Better textiles in harmony with nature, to all. By combining the entrepreneurial spirit of Lars Stigsson, the cellulose expertise of Stora Enso and the customer and textile knowledge of H&M Group and Inter IKEA group, TreeToTextile has created the possibility to put a new sustainable textile fiber on the market.
The TreeToTextile technology is a new innovative chemical process – using renewable forest raw material and regenerating the cellulose into a textile fiber by spinning the dissolving pulp. The process uses less chemicals, allowing for a more sustainable and cost-efficient process compared to conventional technologies and fibers. There are no Sulphur emissions during the production and the water, and the chemicals used are recycled and reused.
Science Park Borås

Science Park Borås is an open collaborative arena with several actors, such as the University of Borås, the City of Borås, and the Research Institutes of Sweden (RISE). Science Park Borås has a clear focus on sustainability within its three areas of activity: textiles, consumption, and societal development. Science Park Borås is located in the textile hub the Textile Fashion Center. The skills and resources available here provide opportunities to realize ideas as well as develop and generate new, marketable innovations, products, and services. It brings together academia, industry, and other parts of society. The integrated environment has frequently been an important starting point for research projects, especially those with an environmental focus. As a result, the Swedish government has given the University of Borås the responsibility of establishing a national platform for sustainable fashion and textiles.
website: https://scienceparkboras.se/
DO tank Center (@ Science Park Borås)
DO-tank Center is the place where ideas become sustainable solutions through innovative processes. An open innovation environment for collaboration between business, the public sector and research. This is where ideas are exchanged, prototype development and tests of future circular business models, products and services take place. The DO-tank Center is part of the Circular Hub platform but has developed into an established collaborative environment.
Remake factory (@ Science Park Borås)
An automated flow for remake of garments that would otherwise be considered as waste. By using Eton Systems overhead conveyor system together with an AI that can detect defects and suggest design operations, the machine automatically adds value in form of design elements that repairs and covers up defects.
Smart Textiles Showroom (@ Science Park Borås)
The Smart Textiles Showroom is a place for meetings and knowledge. Here you can find various textile material and product samples produced within Smart Textile’s various projects, as well as examples from the University of Textiles’ machine parks and other interesting materials purchased from external manufacturers. The Smart Textile Showroom underwent a renovation in 2021 and new prototypes are now available to view, either via a booked visit or by stopping by the Textile Fashion Center during our opening hours.