Hi-Tech-TEX Cross boarder workshop
Hi-Tech-TEX – New sustainable and cross-sectorial value chains towards excellence in Hi-Tech Textiles to foster the uptake of innovation and increasing competitiveness.
Hi-Tech-TEX main objective is to strengthen cluster management excellence and facilitate exchanges and strategic partnering between clusters and specialized eco-systems and cities across Europe, including through implementation of the ClusterXchange mobility scheme.
Hi-Tech-TEX partnership integrates Portuguese Textile Cluster/ CITEVE (the coordinator), from Portugal, AEi TÈXTILS, from Spain; ATEVAL, from Spain; NTT, from Italy; DCC TTC, from Turkey; CLUTEX, from Czech Republic.
Cross boarder workshop | Connecting textile and habitat
The cross-border workshop was organized on January 23rd, 2024, in-person, integrated in the Hi-Tech-TEX final event, in Portugal and connecting the textile and habitat sector, since the habitat is considered by the Hi-Tech-TEX clusters and their members one of the relevant sectors for the application of technical textiles.
The main goal of this cross-border workshop was to facilitate the networking and partnering between the both sectors and the cross-regional collaboration among the different clusters involved.
For that, the event had a first part where the main challenges to the Habitat value chain were presented, by the Sustainable Habitat Portuguese Cluster, as well as innovative developments of textile applications in the habitat sector, like textiles application in roofs, textile in building interiors and textiles on new constructions developments, by CITEVE, and advanced materials for building and living, by CENTI.
The second part consisted of a work session, to identify potential collaboration activities between textile and habitat sectors. In the workshop area, several physical samples and proofs of concept were presented, as inspiration. The participants were invited to identify needs or new developments ideas to apply textiles in habitat sector, and to identify the type of organization to be engaged for those new ideas. Following that meetings were facilitated, allowing participants to meet potential partners for future cooperation.

The cross-border workshop was attended by 36 participants, including SMEs, large companies, clusters, RTOs and other organisations from both the textile and habitat sectors.