AEI Tèxtils reviewed its internationalization plan with its European partners in Terrassa
AEI Tèxtils, the Catalan cluster of Advanced Textile Materials, hosted last week three European projects aimed at internationalization of its members, in order to plan upcoming activities for its associated SMEs in order to boost their competitiveness and provide directed support.
Internationalization is a key axis in the strategic plan of AEI Tèxtils, for that, the cluster has discussed and scheduled the following activities:
In May 2023, it will support financially a delegation of 3 SMEs together with a member of the cluster team to USA to visit Raleigh and Techtextil North America in Atlanta. This business mission is framed within TEXGLOBAL project and is part of the European delegation of around 16 SMEs. This will be the second in-person mission organized by this project after the successful completion of Mexico mission last year.
In June 2023, the cluster will support its members in internationalization within Europe in the framework of Hi-Tech-TEX project, aimed at improving capacities of cluster management. The calendar of activities includes the participation in ITMA in Milan, a major trade fair in the textile sector machinery, where AEI Tèxtils will have a booth and will provide travel support to its members through the ClusterXChange program of Hi-Tech-TEX. In addition, it also aims to promote the participation in the 6th International Conference on Natural Fibers in Madeira, also in June 2023.
Lastly, the cluster has also discussed the plan for the upcoming mission to Canada through ADMANTEX2i project, which is coordinated by AEI Tèxtils. This mission will be the second of the project after the success in California earlier this year. The mission to Canada will focus on Montreal on November 6th to 10th with dedicated agendas for SMEs participating. A dedicated call for financial support will be launched in early June, open to cluster members only.
Other activities foreseen for the upcoming years include a mission to Japan in March 2024 also funded through ADMANTEX2i project and to Australia and Middle East through Euroclusters.
AEI Tèxtils has a strong internationalization focus embedded in its strategic plan, as a major pillar. Hence, it is involved in different projects to support SMEs in identifying and exploiting growth opportunities worldwide through activities such as partnering missions, matchmaking events, cross-partnership webinars, circular economy business models, digitalization driver and cross-cultural approach, and lessons in building industrial resilience.
AEI TÈXTILS and its members’ testimonial: https://youtu.be/-C73fwr8GdE
ADMANTEX2i – Advanced Manufacturing and Advanced Textile Materials going international to strengthen resilience and to empower industrial recovery , coordinated by the cluster, is funded by the COSME program from the European Commission under the Cluster Go International call.
ADMANTEX2i main objective is to lead international cluster cooperation in advanced manufacturing and advanced textile materials as an enabler for globally competitive sustainable functional products in a broad range of high-end applications.
Besides AEI Tèxtils, the ADMANTEX2i partnership integrates five additional clusters: ATEVAL in Valencia, The Portuguese Textile Cluster (CITEVE) and PRODUCTECH in Portugal, EMC2 in France, and AFIL in Italy.
ADMANTEX2i will provide a set of comprehensive support package to the SMEs members of the clusters, participating in the international missions, including coaching, agenda development, travel grant and support and technical assistance to capitalize the internationalization efforts.
Next ADMANTEX2i missions will take place in Canada (2023) and Japan (2024).
About Hi-Tech-TEX
The Hi-Tech-TEX partnership is composed by six organizations, the Textile Cluster in Portugal, the advanced textile materials’ cluster AEI TÈXTILS in Catalonia, the textile association ATEVAL in Valencia, Next Technology Tecnotessile representing the Tuscany textile cluster in Italy, the technical textiles’ cluster CLUTEX in Czech Republic and Denizli Chamber of Commerce in Turkey.
The project, co-funded under the COSME program from the European Union, aims to strengthen cluster management excellence and facilitate exchanges and strategic partnering between clusters and specialised eco-systems and cities across Europe, through the implementation of the “ClusterXchange” mobility scheme to generate business and innovation opportunities.
About Texglobal
TEXGLOBAL supports the growth, the competitiveness and industrial modernization of European textile companies in long run by enhancing its innovation capacity. Apart from Mexico, target markets also included Vietnam and USA, with business missions in 2022 and 2023 respectively. The TEXGLOBAL partnership is composed by five organizations, Next Technology Tecnotessile representing the Tuscany textile cluster in Italy, the advanced textile materials’ cluster AEI TÈXTILS in Catalonia, the Textile Cluster in Portugal, the textile association ATEVAL in Valencia, and the French cluster Techtera.
More information:
Dra. Ariadna Detrell
Telf.: +34 608 864 754 / e-mail: